July 31, 2013

Insta-Weekend // 01

I had a fun-filled weekend...which happened to spillover until Tuesday. Here are some highlights of the past few days.
  1. The bridesmaid dresses for my best friend's wedding have been purchased. Not only were they comfy and cute, but they were affordable. And this may be a bridesmaid dress you could actually wear again.
  2. Although the weather was chilly, spending time at Abby + Adam's lakehouse was fun. Their two kiddos are growing so quickly. Plus, we even managed to go for a morning jog!
  3. Sunday I traveled to a new city. . . the ever exciting, Muscatine, IA. Alicia just moved into her new apartment and also got the keys to her classroom. I helped her decorate her classroom. She helped me become addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
  4. On my back from Muscatine, I stopped in Iowa City to get my hair cut. It's the shortest it's been in a long time. Although I miss the length, it feels so light and fresh. I'm hoping it will help eliminate some time spent on styling.
  5. I met up with some of my college besties ( and ex-roomies ) for dinner at Gus', a surprisingly cute sports bar with some gourmet-looking ( and tasting ) food items. Even though we've only not been roomies for a total of five days, it felt like I hadn't seen them in centuries.  


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