August 5, 2013

Invoices, Contracts + Freelance, Oh My

Invoices? Contracts? Aren't these business terms you learn in business school?

Yes, but they're also important terms for freelance designers, too. 

I sent out my first official invoice this weekend which got me thinking about the importance of file keeping. I did a little Internet digging and created a template for invoices and project agreements ( contracts ) that I feel are simply stated, easily understood, and pretty to look at ( duh! ).

Believe it or not, freelance designers are actually like small business owners. They may work from home and not adhere to a strict schedule, but that doesn't make their business/service any less worthy. In fact, the term "freelance design" sometimes makes peoples' eyes glaze over, but "small business owner" is a bit more receptive to the common folks' ears.

Anyway, all of my research had me determined to operate as a small business would. Not only for my own record-keeping, but to ensure my client's understand that this is just like any other business deal. There are terms and legal issues that need to be stated and understood by both parties. 

Even though most of my freelance experience thus far has been pretty low-key, I hope to start implementing contracts and invoices into my business practice.

I aimed to keep the design and layout of the invoice + contract similar to that of my other identity materials ( resume, reference list, letter head, business card, blog, etc. ), and I was happy with how each of the documents turned out. 

Here's to good business practices!


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