August 6, 2013

Process // 01

I recently wrapped up the final touches on a freelance project for Wolf Floral, a flower shop located in Washington, IA. The flower shop, established in 1913, is celebrating its centennial later this fall and the current owner thought it would be a great time to revamp their logo.

I had a lot of fun working on this identity project so I thought I'd share some of the options I presented. As you can see, I was very in to the maroon color, and I paired it out with tan and a deep burgundy. Overall, the client was happy with what I presented so it only took a few additional tweaks to come to a solution we were both pleased with. 

The end result is similar to that of no. 4. I'll be sure to post it to my portfolio, but in the meantime check out Wolf Floral on Facebook. Or if you're feeling extra generous, visit their website and surprise someone you love with one of their gorgeous bouquets.


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