Hey, August. You snuck up rather quick. Seriously, where has the time went? Since the year is more than halfway through, I thought this would be a great time to evaluate my 14 in 2014 list to see what all I've completed and what's still left for me to conquer. So in case you're curious, here's an update:
14 in 2014
01. Read It by Stephen King // I actually bought the book from Amazon...and have attempted to read it several times, but there's just too many other good reads taking priority on my book list.
04. Run a 5k, 10k and half-marathon // Yikes, I haven't registered for a race yet. Must do this.
07. Take a solo trip somewhere near or far // Hmmm, where to go...
08. Buy coffee for the person behind me // This should be simple, right? I am kind of intimated about doing it, though. What if the person behind me is offended? Or is ordering drinks for their team of 20 co-workers? Maybe the drive-thru is my best bet.
13. Go to a Royals game // Still haven't got to a game, though I'm pretty sure it will be happening in the next few weeks.
14. Splurge on a legit brunch, mimosas and all // This is also something that's in the works. We're in the process of researching the best places to brunch in KC.
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