October 1, 2015

Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather – Katie Heine

Hello, October. I unintentionally took a whole season off from blogging. Did you miss me? Who am I kidding, of course not. Regardless, I've been trying to incorporate some writing back into my life. I find it rather cathartic, so humor me.

Since I've been MIA all summer, let's talk fall. Have you indulged in pumpkin spice everything yet? Would you believe me if I told I haven't been to Starbucks yet for one of their fancy schmancy fall drinks (though let's be real, I only want to go for the cup design)? Though I have made several cups of pumpkin spice tea leftover from last season. Does tea expire? Better Google that quick.

Fall always brings a sense of newness and change, doesn't it? The leaves change, and soon everyone's hair color and wardrobes do too. I'm on the hunt for some fall closet additions, like a pair of booties and a couple sweaters. I did a quick closet cleanse a few weeks ago, because #minimal, and realized my sweater game is pretty weak. Like Forever 21 and holes and snags weak. As a working professional (calling myself an adult doesn't seem fair because I still eat frozen waffles and pretend like I understand taxes), I deserve a nice sweater or five, right? Was that a resounding yes? I'll send you guys my credit card bill, thanks.

Sweaters are the perfect transition piece. They come in various weights and fabrics, and layer well. Perfect for #basicbitches like myself. Cardigans over tanks for warmer days, lightweight knits over dresses and tights for chillier ones, and the classic chunky ones play nice with jeans and falling temperatures. Sweaters are like the peanut butter of the closet. They never disappoint.

I've rounded up some sweater inspiration to reference when shopping. I've been trying (and surprisingly succeeding for the most part) to only purchase things I truly love and that truly make me feel good (and look good too, because humans are vain and I'm no different). Choosing quality over quantity is hard (especially when it shows up on the price tag), but having fewer items that I know I love makes getting dressed so much more enjoyable.

And I'm all for adding more joy to my life.
(I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately.)

Sweater Weather Inspiration – Katie Heine


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