May 4, 2015

Stop Over Thinking

My sketchbook doodles are like personal PSAs to myself. This one is likely applicable to more than just me, so I figured it was worth sharing. This weekend was so refreshing. Literally, the air was so fresh. And it was so nice to just not think for a few days.

I have this terrible habit of fixating on all of the things that could go wrong and overanalyzing stressful situations. It's basically a combination of OCD and anxiety...lucky me! Once I'm fixated on a thought (especially, and most often, a stressful one), it's nearly impossible for me to get it out of my mind. This leads to little sleep, poor food choices, and a slew of additional stress. This cycle is vicious and the struggle is real. 

So for anyone out there who can relate, let's stop over thinking so we can get back to living. 


  1. On the same page, sister. Love that you're back to blogging. You've been missed.
