October 7, 2018


June was a really tough month. A complete 180 from the month before.

June 2018

June started as a month of uncertainty and utter sadness. But, thankfully, as the days went on, it became a month of hope, strength, and positivity. Tommy's dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital for the month of June. It's not my place to share the details, but I am happy to report that he is recovering, and doing a whole heck of a lot better.

As I reflect on the month of June, it really puts life into perspective. You cannot have highs without the lows. Every day is a gift (cheesy, but true). Be grateful for moments and time with the people you love. Tell them you love them, and tell them often.

Then She Was Gone – This is one of those stories you might see on the news...one that you hope you never have to experience.

Final Girls – Another thriller that kept my attention. Part horror story, part mystery.


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