October 7, 2018


More travel in August. All for fun things, though, which made all the long car rides worth it. I also accepted a new job within Hallmark - though the actual start date wasn't until October.

August 2018

ERIKA'S wedding
We made a quick trip to Iowa the first weekend in August to celebrate Erika and Brandon's wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, and all the little details were intentional to them as a couple. And small town receptions are always a hoot. However, I had a horrible experience with bed bugs at the little place we stayed at. Luckily enough time has passed that I can talk about it. It scarred me a little, TBH. (Gives me the chills just thinking about it...)

Finally! For the first time the weather cooperated for the annual Ozarks trip. The 10th annual "hawg" roast (my 3rd trip) is always a fun getaway, and it was by far the best weather. Lots of fun was had, lots of margs were drank, lots of conspiracy theories and drama around the paddleboat races (per usual).

Another trip to Wisconsin! We spent one night in Kenosha with Tommy's family, and spent one night downtown Milwaukee to celebrate the wedding of Tommy's college friend. The reception hall was beautiful, and we stayed right near the Milwaukee Public Market so naturally I forced Thomas to wake up early with me so we could walk around a bit.

BBBS Match anniversary
Savannah and I celebrated our one-year match anniversary with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City. She continues to surprise me with how grown up she is at only 10 years old. We went to the Cubs/Royals game, and also the Chiefs pre-season game - both of which were firsts for her.

Celebrated Melissa's birthday at a (new-to-us) taco joint, had happy hour with some of Tommy's work friends, swam at the Y with Savannah, and went to several baseball games. Thomas and I also rode Birds for the first time and had our own mini bar crawl/scoot in the Crossroads. We even re-visited our first date spot.

I regrettably did not finish a book during the month of August. Unless you count Kristin Cavallari's book that I got from the library after binging her show on E! You can take the girl out of high school...


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