October 7, 2018


I love September. For whatever reason, the start of Fall always feels more like a time of change/refocus more than the start of a new year. Maybe because my birthday is near, or maybe because the visual changing of seasons signals something to me. I find myself wanting to organize, de-clutter and be more intentional in all areas of my life. Between all that, there was several fun weekends with family and friends. 

September 2018

We made it back to Minneapolis, and had the best weekend (plus great weather)! Saturday was spent walking around Apple Fest in downtown Excelsior, going for a boat cruise, and having a great meal at home hanging out. The Vikings played Sunday afternoon (and lost, boo). After the game, we went to Manny's for an early dinner before making the drive back to KC.

My parents visited, and we had a fun-filled weekend. Despite wanting to do all the Fall things, the weather was most definitely still Summer. Friday night we took them to the American Royal, which is an experience in itself. Saturday morning we went the furthest South I've been in Kansas to visit a Cider Mill. Naturally, we swung by the winery that was nearby before heading north. My mom and I walked around the Hallmarket (an art fair featuring Hallmark employees), and we all headed to dinner at Bluestem for an epic meal. Sunday morning was spent waiting in line at Messenger (worth it) and surprising not waiting in lines at Ikea.

Tommy and I visited his family in Kenosha. His sister planned a little surprise party for his dad Friday night, and the six of us drove to the city Saturday morning to go to the Cubs game Saturday afternoon. Luckily it wasn't nearly as cold as I had planned for (I was seriously concerned - since living in KC I do not know how to dress for temps below 70). Even though the Cubbies crushed our hearts, we still had a great time.

We had a relaxing Labor Day weekend, and met friends at Irish Fest. Tommy's company celebrated the grand opening of their new office. And I had my farewell happy hour with work friends before starting my new job. Savannah and I were lucky enough to attend KC Fashion Week, which was fun for both of us. I also found a new place to rent, and will be moving in October!

The One and Only – I never watched Friday Night Lights, but I imagine this is pretty darn close to what growing up in a Texas football town is like. 


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