February 7, 2019


I always have a soft spot for November. Maybe because it's my birthday month or maybe because it's the unofficial start to the holiday season. This time of year always makes me happy, and this year it was even sweeter than usual since it happened to include my golden birthday.

November 2018

Golden birthday
Tommy was so sweet and kicked off the month with "28 days of Katie" by surprising me each day with a small gift or act of kindness (cooking dinner, washing the dishes, etc). Each day was a gift in and of itself, but some of my favorites included a wine and painting date night, a six-pack of "golden" beer on the 6th, breakfast in bed, and a pottery date night class. How sweet is he?

The only downside to this time of year is that the days are short, dark, and cold. Not ideal for maintaining a positive outlook on life, so I decided to indulge a bit by joining a hot yoga studio. Stepping into a heated yoga studio after a long, cold day is literally purse bliss IMO. Thankful for this luxury, though for me it's a therapeutic form of self-care (and therefore I am justifying the expense for now). 

Before heading home for Thanksgiving, Tommy and I flew to Kenosha for a quick weekend with his family. We had tickets to the Bears/Vikings game in Chicago, and somehow managed to dress in enough layers to make it til about the middle of the 4th quarter before heading home. It helped that we filled our bellies with Chicago-style pizza before and sipped on boozy hot cocoa during the game.

Thanksgiving in iowa
I was ready for a long weekend off work and at home, but got sick with a pretty miserable cold right before heading to Iowa. Luckily being at home meant lots of home-cooked food and not a whole lot of anything else so I posted up on the couch under a pile of blankets and books. Which really is about my ideal situation sick or otherwise ;)

You Are a Badass – This was one of those self-help books that isn't necessarily ground breaking, but offers bite-sized anecdotes to remind you that you really can do all of the things and get the things you want.


  1. Hi Katie,

    Greetings from AthenPollo Consulting.

    Hope all is well at your end.

    I came across your LinkedIn profile and am so impressed with your skill set! I'm looking for great people with your background. I was wondering if you would like to connect and discuss possibilities.

    We are running a headhunt search to find Senior UX Designer & Senior UX Design Engineer.
    Job type: Full time permanent.

    Please let me know what is the best time and number to speak with you.

    Also, do you know anyone who might be interested. We are offering a referral bonus up to $2000/referral.

    We are looking forward to working with you.

    Arif Muhammed
    Senior Recruiter
    AthenPollo Consulting
    Work: 949-945-9645 OR 616-855-1605 (Cell)
    Email: arif@athenpollo.com
